#Music Monday ~Naija Representing

Merry Christmas again - I hope you all had a blast and it was filled with love and joy.. Mine was very nice, went to church in my new outfit (I'm such a baby still, but like on my bday I have to wear something new on Xmas day) and then my aunt's house for lunch ( I overdosed on dodo and fried meat men)... So have you noticed that after living so long in obodo oyinbo, your teeth is soft to meat 9ja style...but trust me I chewed slower but ate as much as I could...then went to some after party place, as in we didn't even leave the house till 2am, just one of the perks of this nation... I was tired but it was a very interesting night (lips sealed still)

Anways, everyone has already said their piece on the Nigerian terrorist and I have nothing to say except as Styl Plus is currently singing in my ear "Baba God o, our case o, na your Grace o" - God just needs to take control and we need to declare a day of prayer in that country and ask God for forgiveness... Nways this whole talk gave me the idea for our last #Music Monday of the year 2009 whoop whoop... Ummmm for real tho, you want me to beg you guys to contribute abi.... Oya please now, I beg u, pretty please (kneels down & bats eyelashes), thanks... So cos i'm proud of my country & I don't give shit what haters have to say (was really waiting all day for my co-workers to say something, so I could give them a piece of mind, but they didn't even breathe or whisper it, LOL) I am showcasing from some new albums and mixtapes I recently acquired... Lami, Banky W, Obenwa, Falz & ItsBeazy

plus I'm sure you have all seen the video of Zara's The Flyest and if you haven't I have it for you- imma say this lyrically our artists are awesome as in we can really go global but when it comes to videos which is why we are still backwards we suck, yes I said it...imma let you watch it and be the judge & see if I don't need to go be a movie director/producer already, LOL... It's funny but this is serious men, nways to the music.... Wishing you all a very Happy New Year ahead, I believe it will be the best yet...... P.s. I love you
Lami – The Truth…..off her Intuition album (think there is a link to buy it off notjustok.com)

06 Truth.mp3
Banky W – Feeling it ft MI…….off his W Experience album (think there is a link to buy it off notjustok.com)

10 Feeling It (fea...
Obenwa – Breaking Up………off her Therapy Mixtape (download for free @ wepluggoodmusic.com)

09 Breakin' Up.mp3

Falz – Shakara……..off his Shakara mixtape ….this song is just too hilarious men (download for free @ wepluggoodmusic.com)

shakara w vox.mp3

ItsBeazy – Blow your mind freestyle……off his The Affidavit Mixtape (download for free @ wepluggoodmusic.com)

Blow Your Mind (po...

Zara – The Flyest….let me know what you think about this video ok guys

That's it, till next time…..smooches


  1. **SIGH**
    and i was thinking there was more
    tight lips..???
    you better start divulging and as for the vid
    sorry, but i'm so not interested...lol

  2. YAY.......first
    @ the chrsitmas cloth thing
    i do it too, glad to know im not the only one!
    i havent heard of any of the other artists, but banky n i think his album is pretty nice
    i saw a bit of the zara video only today while searching for sm else so i didnt really give it a chance, but since u think its good, i just might!

    i thot i was first
    no fair

  4. I saw Zara's video and I thought it was pretty good. Maybe's shes not as pretty as some other artistes but she's talented and the video had a nice matching concept to the song and some really cool effects.

  5. Couldnt view the video cos am browsing wit my phone. .
    Happy new yr in advance. . Takia

  6. Happy new year.
    This is your year of a serial bountiful harvest.

    Love the trax.

  7. @Myne, I personally know Zara and the video doesn't do her any justice. She is a pretty girl.

    Ok how does music monday work? I am a music freak and I am interested.

  8. @David - lol, you know better - my secrets will go with me to my grave

    @Devine - don't worry i already beat David on your behalf,and i think the song is good, but not the video

    @Myne... it has nothing to do with her looks, but that was a creatively crappy video, plus they didn't dress her well @ all - so many ideas i could say that would have made this video better,but maybe thats just me

    @Enoch...Happy New Year to you - Amen and Amen, God Bless - glad you do

    @Taynement...yea i agree with you and i'll be waiting for your reply

  9. Lol...y do 9ja artist always just act out der videos.....dey really do nt ve to act out evrythng de said in d song....De getting beta though

  10. Lol @ Anon - I don't even mind if they do that, if they do it right & go all out, we will get there - thanks for stopping by


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