Praise Wednesday - Late

Hi everyone, 

I actually forgot it was Wednesday yesterday and by the time i remembered it was too late. But i have some songs for you, that i want to share, so here it goes.

Let's continue to remember to give praise to God, for his mercy, his grace, for protection and for uncommon favor, for good health, for provision, for divine restoration, for unusual blessings, for the miracle of sleeping and waking up. Praise him through the good and the bad, praise him at all times. The Lord bless us as we continue to do so.

In Christ Alone

With All I Am - HillSong

Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)

You are my God 

 #Shout-out to my baby sister "Oyinbo" for continuing to help me with my christian music library. Love you baby.
P.s since i pushed things back a day, does that mean i can post Blithed Roses on Saturday rather than Friday, please say yes? :)

P.s.s I Love You


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