God is in the details

Was on my way from looking at a place I hoped against all hope will be where I will live. My aunt emailed me to ask that I send her key today, so I thought “Thank you Jesus, you knew ahead and made a way for me”. But as it has come to be in my life so many times over, it was not worth the 1hr 30 min drive there.

The God honest truth is I am tired of this life, but I can’t kill myself. I do wish that it will happen naturally provided I get to go to Heaven sha. But I digress. So nways I kept missing my turns on my way back and I just started aimlessly driving until I finally got it right and as I turned I saw the most beautiful scene, missed the turn to get in and you know I had to make a U-turn to stop.

You see I believe that even if God is not with/in me. God is in the beauty of this earth. Where I am sitting right now, even though I will show you a picture, you cannot marvel at the beauty the same. You also cannot feel it and smell the air. Its gorgeous. As I sit and just marvel at the God that created this place, and marvel at man for having the common sense to preserve this place and as I watch the father teaching his kids how to fish, I just smile through my tears. I honestly have the biggest smile ever.

I am uncertain of so many things in this life, especially why I am here. But I am a certain of a God that is present, and that loves beauty, that took his time to create the things of the earth. That thought of day and night, so that as it the sun sets over the water and trees right now, you can praise him. I cannot seem to pray/sing/worship but right now at this moment I praise him with my tears, with my heart/soul and with my words that I type to you.

I think I’m going to sit here for another hour.

P.s couldn’t post this while I was actually at the park, but I did sit for another hour, cried and listened to Detrick Haddon’s ‘Amen’ till I left which starts by reading Romans 8 vs. 18.

“ I surrender, not my will but yours. I’ll bless you for all of the good and I’ll bless you for all of the bad. Nevertheless say Amen. When troubles comes, say Amen and when troubles go, say Amen, I don’t understand but AMEN”



  1. Simply beautiful

  2. it's always darkest right before the light breaks through. Gob bless you, you are strong..u just don't know how much :)

  3. Need i say that we all have issues we are dealing with,but times like the one you just experienced gives us the energy to move ahead,I have always read your blogposts, and like Enitan said, you are strong, you just dont know it.Keep your head up girl,better and brighter days are ahead.


  4. Hey, this post touch me, a lot. We all have hard times in life, how we deal with it depends on us. I know God is with you always. You just might not feel like He is because of all what you're going through. God is putting you through all these test, so that when it's time for your testimony, you'll give Him praise. Your tears now will become tears of joy tomorrow. Don't worry about now, leave it all in God's hands. He does what He wants and how He wants. We might not understand why, but He does. God is with you. Keep trusting in God, because He has a purpose for your life. You're not here by accident. Take care. (sorry for the long comment).


  5. You know, I have a feeling that several people will become jealous of your autobiography (You have to write it yourself o!).

  6. Aawwww,this is very touching and sweet at thesame time.Since you believe in God,i suggest you have a conversation with him concerning you and life,i'm very certain he'll give you an answer.Good luck dear! *hugs*

  7. This is sooooo beautiful, may God keep showing you that despite life's battles He is always with you. Bless your heart dear

  8. This is awesome. Well written and God bless you

  9. Wow...You brought tears to my eyes with this post (and im @ wokr)...Never thought of "praising God with my tears"...
    Hon, everything will work out for you. You're the only blog that i follow that i actually leave comment.. Cant even imagine what ure going through but please do know that the God that made you has a bigger purpose for you, far bigger than u can imagine..Wish I could give you a hug..It is well with you in Jesus Name.

  10. I agree with Kunle. Your testimony will be one for the books.

  11. It's true, God is so great!


  12. Open ur heart and take it all in... God is d driver and jesus is the bus conductor nd ure simply d passanger... Ur onli option is to get off the ride and I'm sure u can handle it... D end destination is worth it... LOVE U

  13. Bless you for this post sweets. Uplifted my spirit a little.

    Truth---->:"I cannot seem to pray/sing/worship but right now at this moment I praise him with my tears, with my heart/soul and with my words that I type to you."

    I truly believe in being able to praise God with our tears.

    You really do encourage me with your persistence and love for God. Thank you.


  14. It is well with you. Trust God this too shall pass.

  15. God is the essence of life. He gets us through and on the right track of life. you are one precious inclusion in his beauty craft. Stay strong my friend.

  16. Thank you so very much everyone, God Bless you.


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