My Apologies

I am so so sorry, I know I have been horrible not blogging since Thursday and really no excuses except I have been really lazy the past couple days........

Thursday wasn't a bad day at work but still it was long, I just wasn't feeling that place last week at all....and so I decided that I was just going to bring work home and do on Friday(I'll let you know how great that worked out for me) I get home and then go to class...tired as hell but I figured I'll blog in class as usual and do some other skool work.....I get to class and class was empty no class....can u imagine? that's wat I get for trying to be a good girl, except as a good student I should know my schedule shouldn't I?.....No excuse for not blogging that day though....but I was so bone tired I figured I'll make it up to you on Friday

Friday comes and I decided to catch up on all my shows from the week....I love TV shows(The listener, Mental, Army wives, Unusuals....too name a few this summer)....and then before I knew it was 3pm.......absolutely no work accomplished....and I was to go grocery shopping with LC for my brothers surprise bday party(which turned out not to be a surprise cos my brother sucks, lol) u wondering how a broke person like me can afford to host a house party?.....simple u ask people to bring sumn......lil bit got us some drinks and hot dog buns and chips, I.V and E.V even more drinks and hamburger buns...Cocoa some cookies, juice and Smirnoffs....and LC borrows you a $100 for a cake, chicken, hamburger and hot dog.....and she buys a grill...she totally rocks......p.s. thanks guys I owe you one.....nways that was my whole Friday...I got home and still no work......big time loser won't u say?

Sat comes around....and I've cleaned my house....its time to set up the grill......I totally suck at construction.....I'm good at one thing only and it involves books......I must say on that front I am a genius, lol....but I can never read the directions right to build anything (that's why you have boys, or u pay for it)...but I couldn't call my bro, cos duh!!! its his that left me to do it....then miss LC came in to help.....needless to say I was a mess at it.....I completely screw it up and by 3 when it was supposed to start I was breaking it down so I could restart building it again...I was almost in tears at this 5sumn when my brother arrived(hence the unsuccessful surprise) we had just literally gotten the grill to work and put the meat on fire....wheeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww (at this point impatient me had already put some chicken in the oven as well, couldn't risk people coming and no food)....The day was ok....not bad at all, and i think everyone had a good time

This is getting rather long innit? again I apologize, if I had blogged like I was supposed to...(ok, stupid u making it even'm still doing it...ok stop)....ha so where was I? Sunday comes around, no church (too tired, God forgive me) and still I didn't start doing my work till much later in the evening, not really realizing how much it I was up till 4am (serves me right huh!)....woke up by 7 finished wat I had to do and then went to work to get some more work to bring home because I had an interview this morning for another job( and YES it PAYS...whopppee) provided I get it of course...but its only 10hrs a week, still it pays anywhere from $15-$20 an hr....and guess what, I can log in the hours as part of my internship.....I know it sounds too good to be true (fingers crossed for me guys) still have some work to do tonight...been lazying around, so another long night but that's cool....

Guess what? I'm down to 213 hrs(can it be less than 200 already? jeez!!!)....because I get to log in 10 hrs for the work I brought home on Friday and 8hrs for the work I brought home today.....No updates on HE...HE needs a little getting used to, and patience to deal with...but it helps knowing HE is crazy abt this morning I asked if HE had showered and HE said "no but I have thought about you" :).....gosh I'm a sucker for all things sweet....have a good rest of the week guys and thanks for reading....till tomorrow



  1. Waoh! What an eventful week-end-ing.

    As for that grill. I feel your pain. Maybe you weren't patient enough. Plus you could still have gotten your brother to help you, just under another LC needed help setting it up.

    You have wonderful friends IN-DEED. Imagine if you were one of those "I don't need anybody" people...that surprise party would have been disastrous and FOOD-less. Hehe.

    How come your brother already knew? Hope he still had fun?

    At least your job is flexible. When you start this paid job, I doubt if you can dip in and out of work like you do now.

    HE has got good lyrics...It's nice hearing stuff like that in the morning. You have something to smile about all day. Hopefully.


  2. awww thanks so much babe, u really are awesome.... thanks for everything.....

  3. HE is playing you!!! j/k. i actually enjoy your blog. you didn't answer the queston Sisi Blu asked. how did Papa find out?

  4. awwww thanks love.....i guess MI folks were whispering too much and by the T.rox showed up on Wednesday he guessed....u see that he didn't go anywhere he lied abt traveling....silly boy....

  5. LWKM...I dey gbadun this blog mehn...Love the way you write too...I will start commenting from this post.
    That your brother is quite sharp though... As for that grill thing. Pele. I'm getting you. Aren't there other guys you could have called apart from the celebrant himself?


  6. Thanks guy in Ohio though....all of them were coming from Michigan and i knew no one was going to come out early for that...thanks again


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